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Fun Days are here again!

Our Friday shuffleboard fun days have been off to a good start and are well attended. Check the home page for the upcoming events. I went to the little yellow rubber duck shoot at SDSE today, and had a lot of fun! Ten points off if you hit a sitting duck, and I hit quite a few so I didn't win the the competition, but I won one of the many door prizes given out at the raffle. Naturally I heard a lot of wise quacks...

Regarding shuffleboard business, the minutes of the latest president's meeting is below,


  • A design for a District 7 Logo is requested and will be voted upon at the picnic on Sept. 28th. So all of you with an artistic imagination are invited to submit entries.

  • Tournament forms are now standardized and fill-able online in the Library

  • Also the new board was elected and sworn in, consisting of:

President: George Hayner

Vice President: Suzanne Shapiro

Secretary: DeDe Malone

Treasurer: Harlan Mathews

Past President: Alice Beers

Executive committee:

Carol Anderson

Tootie Chittenden

Pat Ellis

Janet Langemeier

-Harlan Mathews

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