Tournaments 2020

Tournament of Champions 2020
This non-sanctioned tournament created by George Hayner was restricted to only the winners from last year. It was a single elimination weekend event on January 25-26, 2020. The first place finisher received a plaque to keep for a year, and all winners received a commemorative pin and a cash award.
Special thanks to the ATM's Lynda Goggin & Cheryl Dewberry, head scorekeeper Tootie Chittenden, head referee George Hayner, and the board crew.

The Winners (left to right):
Fourth place - Jay Davidson (The Lakes at Hemet West); Third place - Harlan Mathews (El Grande Estates); Second place - Bruce Kiefert (Sierra Dawn SE); First place - Robert Brooks (Sierra Dawn SE).

Tournament Manager Lynda Goggin presented the awards

The Passing of the Winner's Plaque
Robert Brooks (left) receives the winner's plaque to hold for a year, from last year's champion Ron Dewberry
The Gallery
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Rookie Tournament 2020
This year's rookie tournament was held at Sierra Dawn SE on February 8th and 9th.
Special thanks to the ATM's Lynda Goggin and Robert Brooks, head referee George Hayner, head scorekeeper Carol Blassingame, and the board crew.

The Winners
Left to right, 4th place Colleen Fitzpatrick (TL@HW), 3rd place Roger Kroger (SDSE), 2nd place DeDe Malone (7-Hills), 1st place Germina Demers (TL@HW).

Presenting the awards are Robert Brooks and Lynda Goggin
The Gallery
*** Click on an image to scroll through the gallery (full screen mode is best) ***